Meet Josh, our family member since 2017. This cat is very curious about the feathers we use to make our birds. Josh is oddly the only one of our cats that doesn’t like catnip. He also hates wet food.

Meet Gertie, she is Josh’s sister, and we adopted them both in 2017. We had gone to get Josh and then saw no one had adopted his sister, so we walked out with her too. Gertie is my favorite helper as her window seat is right where I stuff and sew all the toys.
Finnigan, we call him Finn, Finney, Finnie-Foo-Foo. We adopted Finn in December of 2022. He is our second orange cat, we decided we were ready again for the comedy that comes with an orange cat. He has a very nonchalant way of life and at the same time is scared by anything and everything and will scatter so fast to get away from whatever it is. Even if it is absolutely nothing.

This little guy is my oldest child’s cat. His name is Alfie and he is an oriental short hair. Finn and Alfie are the best of friends, as my oldest adopted him in March of 2023, these two are fairly close in age. They are the best of friends.

Alfie and Finn as babies!
Finn and Alfie still snuggle buddies!